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Futurology for Developers – Mark Rendle

On Tuesday 19th March, the Front Endgineers London will be joined Mark Rendle for a talk on Futurology for Developers. Mark is the founder of RendleLabs, which is really just him playing with .NET Core, Docker, Azure, microservices and so on and then teaching other people about it and helping them build clean, stable, scalable solutions. He is currently working on an online video learning site to bring his courses to a wider audience. He’s been getting paid to do what he loves for nearly 30 years now, and still worries that somebody’s going to notice and make him stop.

We caught up with him ahead of the event to find out more about his talk and hear his advice for junior developers.

Who do you think should come along?
Anybody who is interested in the near future of technology, and wants tips on how they can stay relevant in the rapidly changing world of software development.

What do you think are the three most interesting questions that this event will answer?
How are we going to interact with computing services over the next 30 years? What technology trends are going to matter to software developers? How are Machine Learning and AI going to affect us and the world?

Why do you think this presentation is important for people?
I think these are important things to think about because the tech field keeps changing more and more quickly. We need to think beyond “what front-end framework should I learn?” and consider “what are UI/UX going to look like in five to ten years? What skills should I be learning now to be ready for that?”

Any advice for junior developers entering the industry?
For a junior developer or any developer, my one piece of advice would be to find something within the industry that excites you and learn as much as you can about that. There’s too much going on now to be a generalist. Focus on something that ignites your passion.

If you’d like to come along to the meetup being held at Skills Matter, you’ll find all the information on our event page.